Tom and I are not aiming for perfection – we like it when things look a bit unfinished.” “Not having skirting boards also means you still see the imperfections on the lower side of the walls and the edges of the floor. “We like the raw touch it gives our apartment,” says Chantal. Over the years it’s become more worn with cracks and marks, but this doesn’t bother the couple. The colour differs in certain places and you can see bubbles because of the way it was wiped down to finish. However, the solution was simple and cheap.” A self-levelling, 4mm-thick concrete screed mix floor was laid instead. “We looked for an alternative, which took us quite a while.
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Photograph: Rene van der Hulst/Living InsideĬhantal had been planning to install a poured concrete floor, but it would have been too heavy for the ceiling of the apartment below them. Study, but not in scarlet: Chantal’s work room. The removal of the wall between the kitchen and living room established the open-plan concept they wanted, and there’s now natural light coming in from both sides. They decorated it themselves using Winckelmans tiles, which they bought secondhand and via a wholesaler. The couple wanted a bigger bathroom and managed to double its size by expanding into the hallway. “We wanted to create an open-plan living and kitchen space in a way that we could incorporate as much of the beautiful views of the nearby Eusebius church as possible, without limiting the practicality of the rest of the apartment,” says Chantal, who owns the location agency Mucking Afazing. There were several small, disconnected rooms and an entrance hall which was far too big for the couple. It had been renovated after the fire, but the proportions didn’t make effective use of the space. Photograph: Rene van der Hulst/Living Inside
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